Goals & Purpose: To pick up doughnuts at Publix for the Coffee after Mass Sunday mornings.
Responsibilities: Pick up doughnuts at Publix in Tyrone prior to Sunday’s 8:30 AM Mass. Volunteers rotate monthly & pick up doughnuts each week during their assigned month.
Time Commitment: Generally, once a week for a month as assigned.
Training Requirement: Must love doughnuts.
Leader: Eileen Shaw
Goal & Purpose: To help bring parishioners together for fellowship after Sunday morning Mass.
Responsibilities: To help set up, make, and clean up Sunday morning coffee.
Time Commitment: Sundays on a rotating basis, from 8:15 to 10:30 AM.
Training Requirement: Minimal commitment. this ministry is fun and you get to meet many of your fellow parishioners!
Leader: Donna Norris