As Pope Francis has stated, the role of the Catechist is vital for the Church. Our Faith Formation Programs rely on good Catechists and Volunteers to model God's love to the children and assist the parents in bringing them knowledge and understanding of the faith.
If you feel you have a call to serve in this ministry, you may share your time and talent by facilitating or assisting in any of our Faith Formation programs. All Catechists and Volunteers must complete VIRTUS training and clear a background check. Catechists will be trained and will be given a course manual and program scope for the year.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta created a Safe Environment program for volunteers who work in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. As a catechist for St. Matthew Catholic Church, you must complete a background check and VIRTUS Protecting God's Children Training.
Please contact the Parish Office, 770-964-5804 to obtain the necessary application for the background check and click on the link below to sign up for the VIRTUS Training Session.
“Catechesis is a pillar for education in the faith and it needs good catechists!”
Pope Francis
Goals & Purpose: Catechists and aides offer education in the Faith for families from Preschool – 5th grade. This program is often referred to as “Sunday School.” Tuition in Family Faith Formation is waived for children of Catechists.
Responsibilities: Be available to teach a weekly lesson from a provided curriculum. Aides are available to assist the Catechist as needed.
Time Commitment: Weekly from 12:15-1:45pm on Sundays. Time needed for lesson planning according to Catechist’s personal schedule. Teacher manuals and materials are provided.
Training Requirement: Catechist should be working toward Catechist Certification. Saint Matthew offers Catechist training.
Contact: Parish Office, 770-964-5804
Goals & Purpose: Catechists offer education in the Faith for students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Edge is an accredited learning program that utilizes a non-traditional classroom setting.
Responsibilities: Be available to teach a lesson from the Edge curriculum at least twice a month from 12:15pm-1:45pm on Sundays.
Time Commitment: 1 to 2 hours per week.
Training Requirement: Catechist should be working toward Catechist certification. Saint Matthew offers Catechist training.
Contact: Parish Office, 770-964-5804
Goals & Purpose: LifeTeen Core Members offer education in the Faith for High School age students. LifeTeen is an accredited catechetical program for High School age students. Core Members teach, help teens participate more fully in the life of the Church and assist teens with community service and various projects in and outside of the parish.
Responsibilities: Be available for 2 hours on Sunday evenings for Youth Group meetings and 1 hour on Wednesday evenings for planning.
Time Commitment: Sunday afternoons from 12:15pm-1:45pm and Wednesday evenings for 1 hour and other times as scheduled for service at special events and retreats.
Training Requirement: Catechist should be working toward Catechist certification. Saint Matthew offers Catechist training.
Contact: Parish Office, 770-964-5804
Goals & Purpose: To bring unbaptized and baptized individuals into full communion of the Catholic Church through the reception of the Sacraments of initiation: Baptism (Catechumens), Confirmation and the Eucharist (Candidates).
Responsibilities of Catechist: To teach lessons from a provided curriculum. Time needed for lesson planning according to Catechist’s personal schedule.
Responsibilities of Facilitator: A member of the OCIA team who is responsible for reflection on the Word or small-group sessions. The facilitator is responsible for guiding a dialogue and discussion among those participating in the Christian Initiation process.
Time Commitment: Weekly classes are offered from September through Pentecost.
Training Requirement for Catechist: For more information about training, please contact leaders.
For More Information Contact: Parish Office, 770-964-5804