"The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art."
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 112)
Serving the church through Music Ministry is a beautiful opportunity to help our parish family deepen prayer and fosters unity among our brothers and sisters. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, submit an inquiry below!
Goals & Purpose: To enhance our parish liturgical experience by providing 4-part choral harmony during the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass and at special services including Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter.
Responsibilities: To attend rehearsals and assigned Masses. To work very hard, have lots of fun, and feel honored and proud to provide a portion of the music ministry at Saint Matthew Parish.
Time Commitment: Sunday practice at 9:45 AM, followed by 11:00 AM Mass. Two weeknight rehearsals each month and additional rehearsals as needed.
Training Requirement: Though singing in tune and reading music is a plus, all you need is a willing heart.
Leader: Carole Graves
Goals & Purpose: To sing with joy for the Lord during the Saturday 5:00 PM Vigil Mass.
Responsibilities: To attend Saturday Vigil Mass, come prepared to sing, and to attend weekly rehearsals prior to Mass.
Time Commitment: Weekly Mass and rehearsals.
Training Requirement: Contact Music Director for more information.
Leader: Carole Graves
Goals & Purpose: To lead the congregation in singing during services.
Responsibilities: Cantors must be able to read music and have the ability to learn music at a fairly quick pace. Two or three cantors sing at each service. The primary cantor Mass is Sunday at the 8:30 AM service. The cantors also sing at Sunday Masses during the summer. There are a variety of needs for cantors during the year.
Time Commitment: At scheduled Masses beginning with practice 30 minutes before Mass begins.
Training Requirement: On the job training is provided during the summer months with Music Director.
Leader: Carole Graves
Goals & Purpose: To enhance all aspects of the Music Program of the Church.
Responsibilities: Be available to rehearse with the choir and learn music in a timely fashion. Be able to play from the Church’s piano, vocal copies, or transpose into your instrument’s clef.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per week, or as assigned by the Music Director.
Training Requirement: Proficiency in your instrument.
Leader: Carole Graves
Goals & Purpose: To provide an opportunity for children in grades 2 through 8 to glorify God with their voices.
Responsibilities: To sing at special liturgies approximately 6 times a year, including First Communion and Christmas. Members will attend rehearsals for one hour after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass 3-4 times per month depending on our singing schedule.
Time Commitment: Attend at least 75% of the rehearsals.
Training Requirement: A love of music and willingness to sing for the Lord!
Leader: Carole Graves