The rosary is a wonderful, meditative prayer focusing on various narritives in the life of Christ. During the rosary, we give our prayer intentions to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knowing that she will bring them to her Son!
We provide rosaries and booklets, so if you are not familiar with the rosary (or it's been a while!) we've got you covered!
Every Thursday morning after the 9am Mass (we start praying around 9:45am)
Some decades of the rosary will be in English and some in Spanish.
If anyone has questions they can contact Carol Thornton.
Click Here to learn how to pray the Rosary (and other prayers!)
Goals & Purpose: Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who provide one-on-one caring ministry to people experinecing grief, loss, divorce, hospitalization, and many other life difficulties. After training, you will be matched with someone in need of care (care receiver). You will meet with that person once a week to listen, encourage, pray and reflect Christ's presence in his or her life. Your Stephen Ministry skills can enhance relationships in other areas of your life as well.
Responsibilities: Weekly meetings with care receiver; bi-monthly attendance at Stephen Ministry meetings to support other Stephen Ministers.
Time Commitment: 50 hours (usually once a week for 3 hours).
Training Requirement: Once a week for 1 hour with care receiver.
Leader: Jackie Stahler
If you have a gift for intercessory prayer and want to become a prayer warrior, please sign up to join the Prayer Warriors as a volunteer to pray for those whose in need of prayer, responding to prayer requests submitted on the Saint Matthew website.
Once you sign up as Prayer Warrior, you will begin to receive prayer requests. Thank you!
Completethe online registration form